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Learn Multi Factor Authentication Can Strengthen Your Network

Written by Millgate 14/06/2023
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In today’s digital landscape, passwords have been the go-to method for securing online accounts and sensitive information. However, the limitations and vulnerabilities associated with passwords have become increasingly apparent. It is crucial to understand the problems with passwords and become a champion for more robust security measures, such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). According to a survey by Okta, the use of Multi-Factor Authentication is at a steady increase with 90% of administrators using it.

So why do we need MFA when we have passwords?

The Inherent Weaknesses of Passwords:  Passwords, despite their widespread use, suffer from several inherent weaknesses that make them susceptible to various security threats. These problems include:

Password Reuse: Many individuals reuse passwords across multiple accounts, which significantly amplifies the risk of unauthorized access. If one account is compromised, a domino effect occurs, potentially compromising multiple accounts.

Weak Passwords: People often choose simple, easily guessable passwords, such as “123456” or “password.” Cybercriminals exploit this tendency by using brute-force attacks or automated tools to easily crack weak passwords.

Social Engineering: Phishing attacks and social engineering techniques trick users into divulging their passwords willingly. Human error and lack of awareness can inadvertently expose sensitive data.

Password Breaches and Data Leaks: Passwords alone cannot guarantee the security of user accounts, as evidenced by the ever-increasing number of high-profile data breaches. Cybercriminals target organisations and exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorised access to vast amounts of sensitive data. These breaches can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and compromised customer trust.

Enter MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) offers significant advantages over passwords:


Enhanced Security: MFA adds an additional layer of protection by requiring users to verify their identity using two or more factors. It combines something the user knows (password) with something the user has (e.g., a mobile device) or something the user is (e.g., biometric data). This multi-layered approach makes it significantly more challenging for attackers to bypass security measures.

Protection Against Password-Based Attacks: MFA reduces the risk of brute-force attacks and password guessing. Even if an attacker obtains a user’s password, they still need the additional authentication factor to gain access. MFA mitigates the impact of compromised passwords.

Improved User Experience: Contrary to common misconceptions, MFA can enhance user experience. With the availability of biometric authentication methods like fingerprint or facial recognition, the authentication process becomes faster, more convenient, and less prone to user error. Users no longer need to remember complex passwords, leading to a smoother and more user-friendly authentication experience.

Scalability and Adaptability: MFA solutions can be implemented across various platforms, applications, and devices, making them suitable for organizations of all sizes. MFA can be integrated into existing systems without significant disruptions and can adapt to different security requirements.


MFA is a crucial component of modern security strategies and plays a vital role in creating a safer digital environment. If your business needs better security, MFA could be a solution against password-based attacks, as it offers scalability and adaptability. Millgate’s security experts can help cater to your needs. Contact us today!

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