Featured Success Stories

Microsoft 365 A Modern Classic

Bridge the gap between classic and modern IT

01 The Old Way

Business-owned single devices were tied to the corporate network with manual, reactive maintenance

02 The New Way

Multiple devices are managed through the cloud with more automation and integration

03 The M365 Way

Modernise at your own pace, with a solution and a supplier you can trust

Bridge the IT gap

Since 2020, digital transformation has moved at a pace never seen before, and the gap between traditional and modern IT is now larger than ever. For some, it might seem their competitors and customers are too advanced in their cloud journeys for them to ever be caught up with.

Fortunately, a solution exists that allows IT teams to move to a modern workplace at a pace that’s right for them, enhancing productivity, collaboration and security without abandoning legacy infrastructure until it is no longer needed.

Our new eBook introduces you to Microsoft 365 and how it can help you to bridge the gap between your classic and modern IT with Microsoft 365.

A brief introduction to M365 1
A brief introduction to M365 2
Classic vs Modern. Why not both?

Historically, migration to a modern workplace meant risking the loss of your tried and tested IT for something new and unknown. With Microsoft 365, you don’t have to choose between the old and the new.


Modern IT

The demands on IT are incredible. IT needs to be able to support multiple device platforms in a cloud-managed way, all while driving automation to reduce costs and, most importantly, improving the experience for the end users. It ultimately falls on your IT team to make all of that happen.

Classic IT

But the reality is we are also still living in a world of classic or traditional IT. And there is real tension here. IT departments have built themselves around the traditional PC lifecycle, managing images, controlling updates, locking down behaviour and protecting users. And so IT must evolve and adapt.

stick figures hold hands
Your IT

We don’t think this should be an either/or. The Microsoft 365 approach is to allow you to do both, and to modernise at your own pace, to manage risk in a smart way. To take advantage of the cloud and modern IT, but also give you the tools and capabilities to bring that design point to your existing investments so you aren’t throwing everything out.

microsoft 365
Microsoft 365: 4 key promises
  1. Unlocks creativity by enabling people to work naturally while utilising AI
  2. Provides a universal toolkit for teamwork with flexibility and choice in communication
  3. Simplifies IT by unifying management across users, devices, apps and services
  4. Helps safeguard data and IP with built-in, intelligent security
The Microsoft 365 Powered Device

The world of Microsoft 365 is one that helps you bridge from classic IT to the world modern IT at your own pace. And the best way to experience that is with the Microsoft 365 powered device.

The best experience

A Microsoft 365 powered device is a modern device running Windows 10 Enterprise with Office 365 ProPlus, managed by Enterprise Mobility & Security. This is the best way to experience Microsoft 365 and to simplify IT management and costs using the cloud while empowering employees with the best productivity tools to get their jobs done.

Intelligent security, built-in

Security is a foundational element of the Microsoft 365 powered device. Traditional IT boundaries are disappearing and companies not only need to protect data on their own devices but also on employee-owned devices.

With Microsoft 365 Business, the security you need is built in and working for you behind the scenes. Security travels with you and managed company devices will automatically be kept up to date with the latest features and security updates, without intrusion to users.

Easy to deploy and manage

Microsoft 365 Business makes IT easier to manage for your company. Manage all your IT services in one place and minimise the work so you can focus on what matters: your business.

With Microsoft 365 Business, you don’t have to deal with a complex IT process to get people set up. It simplifies this process, so your employees can get to work quickly. You will save time by easily configuring security features and settings in one place.

Always up to date

One of the most important characteristics of modern IT is ensuring that users are always up to date. This is critical to make sure users have all the latest features and that they are reliable, but it’s also critical for security.

Microsoft 365 can help you stay up to date not only on patches, but on getting security mitigations as those become available with an always-up-to-date cadence delivered through the magic of the cloud.

Proactive insights

A Microsoft 365 powered device unlocks the ability to use real data to create proactive insights.

This is incredibly powerful. Microsoft 365 derives insights from across the range of applications, operating systems, and infrastructure globally and returns it to you to get perspective and insight on what’s actually happening for users every day. Features like Windows Analytics helps you diagnose and fix issues, and you can use this to drive deployments, making sure users actually stay up to date.

Speak to a specialist today

Microsoft 365 makes it easy for you to bridge the gap between classic and modern IT. But the support of a partner with over two decades’ experience helping others on that journey can make the process even simpler and more effective. Speak to one of our Microsoft specialists today to discuss your IT modernisation goals.

Download the eBook: a Crash Course in M365
Download the eBook: a Crash Course in M365

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